- Values can be entered in the Val 1, Op and Val 2 input fields.
- To enter a value, click on the input fields and then start typing.
- The two operand input fields (Val 1 and Val 2) can take positive and negative integer input.
- Click on - to make the integer negative and on + to make it positive.
- The operator input field (Op) can take + , - ,* , / and % (modulus) operators as input.
- Click on the equal to button (=) to get the answer in the Ans output field.
- Click on the clear button (C) on the top right corner of the calculator to clear all input fields as well as the answer field.
- All contributors are most welcome!
- Head over to the GitHub repo to get started.
- If you find a bug or any other problem, do raise an issue.
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